A compelling "Autism by Pitocin abuse" story Like any typical autism parent, I was for a long time, confounded by why my 2 boys fell into the Autism Spectrum . Other autism parents I came to know through school and therapy places were in a similar situation. The world almost had me convinced there was some genetic damage that happened in my generation, considering we had no history of genetic disorders on either side of the family. People even told me it typically happened to intelligent parents. My wife and I are both college educated, so people who knew our background, told us so, but I could never bring myself around to believing it and there was always a doubt in the back of my mind that this was something else. A breakthrough came, when a neurologist we had consulted for my second boy ordered an MRI scan. The results showed traumatic brain damage deep within the brain. This was damage that could have happened only during birth when a baby makes its way out of its mother head first. That rocked my world like nothing else had ever done before.
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The powerful story that is turning the world of Autism on its head. |
AutismPI.org is engaged in Autism data collection along two different tracks. One track is autism caused by traumatic brain injury at birth by Pitocin abuse malpractice that we are calling aumalism above and the second track being predominantly hypoxic-ischemic brain injury(lack of oxygen) due to conditions we are calling Aupartism and Augestism above. These two tracks are expected to have had slightly different effects in the brain and seem to have slight differences in symptoms. The response to treatments in these two tracks also seems to differ slightly.
The traumatic injury by Pitocin abuse track also involves a legal angle as the argument of Pitocin injury gets written off as lacking evidence. This data collection initiative aims to establish profiles of Pitocin abuse grouping cases by obstetrician, hospital and induction time. Vertical Divider
" We're each left holding a piece of the puzzle. Lets put it together to solve the problem"